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Welcome to sEaLearn4U, where Creativity, Experience and Learning Development Connect!

We have been providing training services

to the maritime and offshore energy

sectors for more than 30 years                                              

sEaLearn4U offers access to a wealth of knowledge and guidance, in a format that is easy to learn and understand. It also serves as an online reference for your Continual  Professional Development.

Discover a range of multimedia

resources that support your

learning journey for career


We are specialists.

​sEaLearn4U Subject Matter Experts are an international group, having years of experience in

senior positions both onboard and ashore.

The Learning Environment

  • Learning Modules are aligned to STCW and other industry competency standards.

  • High Quality graphics enhance the learning experience and aid retention.

  • Scenario based reflective learning animations.


Your Account Profile

Upon signing up for an account you will be able to purchase course modules and have access to your profile where you can manage your own information and records.

In addition to receiving reminders, you may make a Wishlist of courses you want to take as well as keep track of course modules you have completed. 

Keep your profile up-to-date to make the most of your eLearning experience!


Easy to Use


Engaging Graphics that Enhance Learning and Aid Retention


Bunkering Operations
Timber Deck Cargoes
Cold weather preparation on board
Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk

Bunkering Operations

Timber Deck Cargoes

Cold Weather Preparation

Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk

There's Always More to Learn

Explore sEaLearn4U
Explore sEaLearn4U
Explore sEaLearn4U
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